
A hundred things to try.

Teaching an old dog new tricks.

Re-examining tricks of the trade.

This blog is about what works regarding web design and promotion, and what doesn’t. In the process of writing this, I will be revisiting and reexamining with fresh eyes the thousand tricks of the trade I’ve tried and discarded over the years.

Save yourself time, money, and pain. Learn from my experiences.

I have been designing web pages since the beginning. Well, 1995 or so. From my first ugly HTML only pages to today’s multi-media mobile experiences.

There is always someone better, younger, and more creative coming up behind you. Rejoice in that. It makes you grow.

Now I make no claim to be the world’s best. Not even close. Design standards and styles change yearly and there is always someone better, younger, and more creative coming up behind you. Rejoice in that. It makes you grow. I like to think I recognize great design when I see it and try to learn from it every day. Sometimes I just sit in awe for minutes at a time admiring the work of some very talented designers.

Don’t get stuck in the mud. Hire the technology you need.

Do I know the gruesome details of how all this technology works? Nope. I’m a generalist. I gave up on knowing all the technical details because I recognized it for the rabbit hole it is. I purchase the skills I need as I need them. I suggest you do too. I know and understand bits and pieces about all of it—a jack of many trades and a master of none few. But as a generalist, I must always be learning. Always seeking the fresh. Always on the lookout for new tips and tricks. And always balancing technology against my business goals.

Some of those “new” tips and tricks may very well be old concepts resurfacing in a new form.

Lets re-examine them together!


Forty years in IT, and 25 building websites on the web. Old enough to remember my 300 baud modem. In my 401K job, I run more than 20 websites worldwide with more than 250K subscribers with an international staff of technicians, writers, and graphic designers.
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